Vapreflex – 7mm


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Thin, multi-reflector insulation composed of two layers of pure aluminium 12-microns thick,
polished and treated against oxidation separated by two layers of air bubbles placed in a honeycomb structure and enclosed in a self-extinguishing polyethylene film.

How does it work ?

The obtained complex is semi-rigid and consists of the following successive layers:

aluthermo vapreflex

  1. A film of pure aluminium, 12 microns thick, treated against oxidation
  2. A layer of bubbles of dry air enclosed in self-extinguishing polyethylene
  3. A layer of bubbles of dry air enclosed in self-extinguishing polyethylene
  4. A film of pure aluminium, 12 microns thick, treated against oxidation

The air trapped in the bubble film and polyethylene foam is dry and stable. Possible condensation is therefore always avoided within the usual range of temperatures for ALUTHERMO®.

Technical Characteristics


Thickness 7 mm (EN823)
Thickness of the polyethylene film 150 microns
Number of aluminium films 2
Thickness of the outer aluminium film 12 microns
Dimensions of roll 1,25 x 25 m
Surface area per roll 31,25 m²
Weight 373 g/m² ±13%
Operating temperature range -40°C à 80°C
Fire resistance classification Ds2 d0
Number of layers of bubble 2
Emissivity 0,05
Thermal resistance R = 0,20 m².K/W
Thermal resistance between 2 air gaps
of 20 mm not ventilated
Horizontale flux
Vertical flux
EN ISO 6946
R = 1,50 m².K/W
R = 1,10 m².K/W

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