Discover the power of Roofreflex
The roofing contractor JDC Ambachts Dakwerken in the province of Antwerp used the insulating underlayment Aluthermo® Roofreflex.
An exceptional insulation solution that simplifies the construction process..
With its thin, high-quality insulation, Roofreflex maintains the integrity of the building design, even in complex corners, and is easy to install by qualified roofers. Roofreflex acts simultaneously as a roofing membrane and insulation material, offering superior thermal and acoustic performance while reducing thermal bridges for a comfortable, energy-efficient space all year round. Easy installation, thanks to a self-adhesive overlap, saves you time and money, while ensuring compliance with European standards.
We would like to thank JDC Craft Darkworks for their excellent work.
Aluthermo insulation – Efficient, thin, easy to install.